Had ridiculously late supper, with an old, old friend - En. Ram - bukan nama sebenar happened to be in the neighbourhood.
En. Ram:
Kau pergi Loft ek?
Cik May:
Tak... Tak pernah.
En. Ram:
(Gelak meletup-letup)
Ye ke..?
Cik May:
Ya Allah. Sumpah tak penah... Other clubs in between Cynna and Bar Savanh penah laaa... Along Heritage Row... *grin*
En. Ram:
Kau pegi dengan *toot* and *toot* kan?
Cik May:
Haah... Alaa... sekali tuh jek...
En. Ram:
Diorang minum eh...?
Cik May:
Haah...minum... All of them did, I think...
En. Ram:
Kau tak? (cynical face)
Cik May:
Tak. (straight face)
En. Ram:
(Gelak meletup-letup)
Ye ke..?
Cik May:
Laa... sumpah tak... Tak penah pon.
Then again... I've got nothing to prove to you. Why should I bother??
(Struggling to make him see that underneath the copper head is a good girl who has never in her entire life deliberately taken a sip of alcohol)
En. Ram:
Tak kesah laa... Takpe laa if kau minum pon.
(Senyum kambing)
Cik May:
Aku tak minum laaa...
(Muka stress)
En. Ram:
(Nice pearly whites)
Cik May:
En. Ram:
Kau tau kan Heritage Row tuh pubs... and not clubs?
Cik May:
(perplexed + you think I'm dumb?)
Du'uhh... Tau laaa...
En. Ram:
People go to pubs, mana ade buat menda lain... Menda tuh je laa.
Cik May:
Says who?
En. Ram:
Says - (confidently pointing to his, I'd say, somewhat small physique)
Cik May:
(Crossing eyes)
Weh...banyak lagi laa menda lain boleh buat...
En. Ram:
Like what?? Dance? Pegi club laa...
Cik May:
Nevermind, again I've got nothing to prove to you. Drop it.
En. Ram:
(senyum kambing)
Dear En. Ram,
You don't have to get all tipsy to have fun in Heritage Row. Or any bistro or pubs for that matter.
I love the company of my mates.
I love the mortally loud music.
And these hips do to.
Am a hollering: I ain't got anything to prove to you. *grin*
I'm happy as can be.
semua ker pubs kat HR? bukan bar slash club slash restaurants ke?
ur right, we've nothing to prove. take it or leave it. dah memang tak minum. agaknya bagi mereka itu satu perkara yg luar biasa utk dilakukan.
it's nothing for us strong and grounded girls. we're not that easily influenced. huehue..
And I have nothing against people who booze.
freedom of choice.
yo biatch...just found your web site...i'm returning to civilization this weekend, let's hook up!
maylin!!! got ur add from tet's webbie. linking yours to mine. tqvm!
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