Thursday, 9 August 2007

Tetikusnya Ada Virus!

I got into the lift with Hafiz (the IT guy) and his petite gf. Already in the lift was a lady from 12th floor, somewhat happy to see Hafiz;

"Hafiz, saya rasa mouse saya ada virus lah!"

Perplexed and trying his very best not to spew the pent-up crack-up;

*Manly chortle*
"Mouse betul jekk ada virus kak! Mouse tuh mana ade... Biar benar kak..."

"Tak, betul, bila saya gerak ke kanan, dia tak nak ikot. Dia lari-lari. Penat laaa saya kejar!"

At one point, I thought she was actually talking about a real LIVE mouse.

"Camne yee Hafiz? Boleh tolong tak?"

Kak oiii... Just meddle with the mouse's balls laaa... I mean, ball. Mesti stuck dgn habuk segala...

1 comment:

Iron Butterfly said...

hahaha. nolee anda menyinggah juga ya.. ko nih maylin.. biorlaa kakak tuh.. kesian dier.. touchpad laptop aku slalu jadi giler camtuh.. aku paham maksud dier cursor lari2 tuh.. I feel her. huehuehue..