Sunday, 19 August 2007

Her Royal Phlegmness

Today's my 5th sickly day. I thot I was OK yesterday until I threw up the Monterey Chicken I had for lunch, after I got home. Yeah, it was gross. There goes my RM23.80 + 5% tax meal of the day!! Boohoo...

I've never felt like a vegetable my entire life! - OK, apart from when I had the chicken pox.

Well, apparently I wasn't the only one who was sick throughout this week. Mangsa-mangsa fever pada minggu ini:
1. Azah
2. Putat
3. Em
4. Shosh
5. Yaya

Congratulations to those who are recuperating.

Kesian to those who still have the phlegm colony stuck up their throats.

Yuck... here comes another green spit ball...!!

Haaakk.. Ttuii...

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