Thursday, 15 November 2007

Wedding Bells Gone Wrong?

*clearing throat*


I should put a disclaimer somewhere here in this blog. Anyhoots, for the meantime, I'll just treat it as another crummy posting.

Tuan-tuan, puan-puan, inchik-terkinchitt & saudara-mara sekalian, I shall not be held responsible of any hard feelings caused by any of the contents in this blog. Boleh?

Heheh... Seriously, it's just a blog. Maymay's puny blog. It won't move, shake nor break a soul pon. I'm no Kam Raslan nor Syed Akbar Ali. No where near Dina Zaman pon. :)
Why the hard feelings mate? OK, if it makes you feel better, I'm kicking myself right now.

So, selagi no names are dropped in any of the entries, it remains a general statement. It can be addressed to any Tom, Dick or Salmah. Ochayy brathaa...??

*clucking tongue*


p/s: Yup, that's "puny". Bukan "punya" yang tertinggal 'A'.

p/p/s: For crying out loud! I'm not mocking anyone's England lah.

p/p/p/s: OK... Fine. I AM gampang once in a while.

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