Acquaintance: So, where do you work?
Maylin: In CIMB Aviva...
A: Owhh... Aviva?
M: Yeah, it's an insurance company from UK which merged with CIMB Group.
A: Owwhh... So, you agent laa??
M: *about to choke* (pause)
Nope, I'm an Actuarial Executive.
A: Ack..Ektu...(??) *distorted face*
M: Ack-chuay-reeyel. We deal with a lot of numbers, mortality rates, we create the products... But I handle the Reinsurance & Retakaful part... (why am I still explaining????)
A: Macam accounting laaa?
M: *gulp* *inhale*
No... but we do work closely with the Finance people tho'.
A: Ouwh.. *bored face*
M: Would you excuse me...? I need to go to the ladies. I'll be back in a minute - (after I flush my face in the toilet bowl *grunting silently*)
M: Sorry to make you wait. XXX belum sampai lagi? Where is she ek?
A: Belum... nanti dia sampai.
M: Ok... So, where do you work?
A: I work in Petronas*.
M: Ohhh... so (you tukang pump minyak kat) which (petrol station ek??) department?
- End -
Petronas* - original company was changed.
Is "agent" THE ONLY position available in an insurance company?? No offense, not looking down upon agents at all. They make more moolah than I do, seriously. Respect them for that.
I'm just crossed when we people can't think or associate anything else with insurance companies. Or any other company/department for that matter.
OK, understood. Not everyone knows what Actuarial yuppies do. Fine.
But... *sigh*
Can we all try to think slightly beyond the normal and mundane? Like ACCA is NOT the only Professional Accounting exam in this whole wide world. There's also CiMA.
Nevermind. I don't think many will see my point.
As usual, I just wanna let it out.
Cheers everyone.
~The Stressed & Stinky~
hear! hear!! maser aku kat kurnia pon ppl asked the same thing. let's not go to ACCA vs CiMA.. it will be a long long story.
tukar skema jawapan lain kali
keje bank ehk?bank u senang mintak loan tak?hakakhak..em sure berbuls dgn ayat ni
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