Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Peek-A-Booh 2009...

Breathe in... breathe out...

Say it with me... "WooOoOooOooohsssssaaaaaaah...."

2 days to 2009!! And another 5 freakin' months to the BIG FAT TWENTYYYYY SEVVVEEENNNN... Sssummmbody shoot me!

What have I accomplished so far?
Think hard Tots... think hard...

1) I've put on weight. Kenaikannya sama berat dengan sekampit beras Jasmine dowh... How how brown cow? Oh... mungkin tidak begitu KETARA bagi sesetengah pihak. Hehe...

2) I've changed jobs THRICE! Oh, sorry. Just twice. Thee hee hee...

3) I made peace with my last Ex. Yeah, I'm talking about YOU - Azhar "Mork" Ramly.

4) I managed to work out my nearly-decaying finances.

5) I drove to Port Dickson ON MY OWN. *clap clap*
Despite the torrent of mockery by my dear friends, I made it. WITHOUT the help of a GPS, mind you! Hah! Take that! :p

6) I went on 13 dates within 10 weeks (June - Aug). *wink wink*
None of them made it to the finals, anyway. Boo-hoo. OK. I'm picky. *rolling eyes*

7) I think this is the big one - I have my bunch of friends who I love to bits and bits and bits :) Couldn't have done it all without you guys! *hugs*

2008 was a good year. Still is... :) Got another 2 days left. We'll see if a miracle happens.

*huge grin*


Unknown said...

so, did the miracle happen??? :-)

Maymay Adzaman said...


Anonymous said...

i made peace with you long time ago!!

-azhar "mork" ramly-