Wednesday, 8 October 2008

My Shtooooopid Advice

A dear friend of mine is head-over-heels , butt-over-boobs in love with a guy she has known for 15 years. The lovey-doveyness just happened recently (I think). My friend - let's name her... mmm... Halimah. Haha! You hear that friend? I'm naming you Halimah! :P

Halimah has been complaining about how the guy, which I shall name him as... Tajuddin.
Yes, Halimah has been complaining about how Tajuddin always gives her unexciting, dry and lame SMS replies. I reckon that Tajud has a few template of SMSes ready to use. Sometimes my instincts tell me that Tajud is not that really into her, but is just trying to be a gentleman. *snort* Men!

Then Raya came. Bye-bye template, helloooooowhh flirtatious affair! Halimah was soooo thrilled, her bra hook snapped open by itself! Well done Tajuddin, well done! Halimah went over the moon, around Jupiter, made a detour to Uranus and finally rested on cloud number nine.

Tajuddin punched the right buttons alright! He punched and punched and punched until he indirectly said, "Aidilfitri Special ends on Sunday... back to Normal Package on Monday!".
So back to Normal Package on Monday indeed. Template after template. Halimah was devastated. Then came the ceaseless curses - Babi. Boddo. Bangang. Lancheaow... and the list goes on.

Halimah as usual, grievingly told me what happened. Me being the good friend, threw in a few points. A few shtoooopid points.

I told her that she could still get her Special Offer by signing up as a member! Yeah, a member of the Tajud Club. You know how Jusco Card / Bonus Link works right? Accumulate points, then you get some free gift or whatchamacallit vouchers. It might work the same with Tajuddin. Sign-up with him (I dont know - maybe the signing up process is by zipping down your pants) then instantly start collecting points! (Points are in the form of making out, breast kneading, endless canoodling etc.) When a certain amount of points has been collected, by default (according to Bonus Link and Jusco Card) you'll get the Special gift/offer.


Haha. I know. Kick me!

Naaah... Halimah is a cherubic lady, no? :)


Anonymous said...

huhuhu what a stoooopid advice...

Maymay Adzaman said...


Saya Yang Ayu said...

Ape ni maymay, dah start collecting points pun still template camner?

Memang die template nye orang or maybe ramai sangat member, and semua orang pun dapat template jugak?

Adakah itu logic?

tuNKu ShOsh said...

wey anonymous who wrote on Oct 9, 2008 at 3.31PM,

ur stupid enuf to put 'that' comment pun.

lu lagi bodoh.

Maymay Adzaman said...

Saya Yang Ayu: Mungkin SEMUA pon dapat template. Huish...camner?? :P

Iron Butterfly said...

tosh : hhahahaha
maymay & ayu : hahahah cam gampang korang berdua bersekongkol.

Anonymous said...

nooooo way.....