Sunday, 13 January 2008


The Secret says (YES! The Secret says...) let go, and forgive, for you will be free of anger and resentment.

Aaaaaah. Screw that! (for now).

Some moron(s) broke into my house AND into MY room and stole my laptop, VCD and DVD player.
I am fuming with rage, I can even snap the neck of an iguana right now!
Red Alert: Animal violance. Steve Irwin will be twisting and turning in his grave right now and Bindi would label me a butcher.

Rephrase: I am fuming with rage, my nostrils are flaring. I can dispense tissues through my nose, mind you.

Screw you bad-ass-tiny weener / tits thief you !!

I hope you choke yourself to death with the wires.

I pray that a stray tarantula will sneak into your pants and feast on your crippled balls. Your balls will turn purplish blue for the rest of your fucking life, and it'll mutate into artichokes!! Hah! Purplish blue artichokes! Take that !

I wish hard that your boobs will distort and become all dark and wrinkly. And doctors would think that you insanely glued sun dried prunes on your chest!!

I'll make sure that the entire Universe will turn against you and your bulu bontot will ceaselessly grow. To the extent that you have to tie them in braids or a bun, coz snipping them off won't work, it'll just grow back - even more.

I curse you turn into a disgusting, abominable pig! Even the pigs won't admit you as their kind!



I hate you thief.

Just get yourself steamrolled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the laptop. Thieves, scums of the Earth they may be, are pretty sly. Damnit.