Friday, 14 September 2007

Oppai no chekku desu

Oppai - it means boobs in Japanese. I picked up the word in Tioman. And chikubi - are nipples. Cute eyy..? Bunyik mcm cartoon character. Chikubi and Friends! Or... The Adventures of Chikubi and Shtotong Goreng Tepung.

I had my oppai checked today. Tadi. Around... 11.30 a.m. We both did. Tosh and me. Initially the plan was to have it checked at the National Breast Cancer Center in Kg Baru - haah. Kg Baru. I was keeping my fingers crossed I didn't bump into Mork. But then again, screw it lah.

Anyhoo, then receptionist kat situ cakap we actually had to make an appointment first.

The queue was long. 11 orang before us. So, we thot, alah, 11 orang. OK laa tu... busuk-busuk sejam. Busuk laaa busuk...

Receptionist (R):
Nak akak book a slot?

Shosh (S):
*Looking at Maylin for an answer, and Maylin who is an obvious ding-bat makes a blur face*
Sorang berapa lame kak?

Sorang dalam 2 jam...

2 jam kak? Lama nya...


2 jam??? 2 shitsfaksee hours?? Ape jaDDahnye 2 hours? Dia nak belek ape?? Mana ade celah-celah tersorok yang nak dikelebek!! Takpon chikubi aku punya diameter perlu dihitung.

That makes 22 hours of waiting!! Giler hhhhaappee...


Mmm... book je lah a slot for both of us kak... Kitorang balik dulu, then kitorang datang balik.

Eh... mane boleh balik. Kena tunggu. Nanti kitorang try selit-selitkan you in between patients.

OK. Mase nih, aku dah tak pay attention, coz nothing made sense to me, AT ALL.

We left. Sebab receptionist tu... ntah. Dia sebok ngelap hidup dia sepanjang-panjang explain tadi. It bugged me.

We ended up going to Ampang Puteri after hitting 3 other clinics which didn't have the ultrasound service.

Yup. The doctor was a MAN.

Shit. Exposing my oppai to a male stranger was - are you fuckin mad??

Then Shosh coaxed me into having the breast check jugak... "At least you'll know for sure."
Know what?? Whether he rubbed me the right way or not???? *snort*

Fine. Fingers crossed.


The doctor was a cutie. Small framed, but still a cutie.


Haha. Sick.

Anyhoo, my oppais are in good shape, I mean, healthy. Yeayy!! The results were immediate.

Then we headed for Derrick & Team. Got my boobies checked, got my hair done... Hahaha. A great way to start your first day in Ramadhan.

Btw, get your boobs checked dowh. You'll never know until it's too late.
(This is a community message)



..::ciaobella::.. said...

ape kejaDDah!!!haha aku suke part tuh!!waaaa..korg berjalan2 x ajak aku ekk!!!kenape aku disisih kan ni..hurmmmm

Len said...

takpe elia. we both can go together. jom? :P

..::ciaobella::.. said...

ha'ah intan..lets!! :D

Maymay Adzaman said...

check TETEK ajjeee... Ya Allah... OK laaa.. next time aku check TETEK, aku ajak korang. :p

Iron Butterfly said...

oi aper nih cite pasal tetek in public nih???

Iron Butterfly said...

eh btw, u LET a male doctor touch your tits on 1st day of Ramadhan?? Can't u get a better timing?? Btw, aku memang off first day lagi so biler org pegi terawih I was being massaged at a spa. Best dowh whole body. Berkeriuk2 tulang temulangku. huehue.