I've managed not to eat garbage after 7.30pm. I survived not eating rice for 1.5 weeks!! Well, except for yesterday coz the nasi kukus was extremely alluring, I mean, tempting. Who calls nasi alluring??
What is it with being slim, thin and hot?? Why can't a guy like a girl who's curvy? What's wrong with curves?
And what is it with long, straight and lustrous hair?? What's wrong with wavy, curly hair?
Aaaaand...what's with the fair skin syndrome? Is there anything wrong with tanned skin??
If Malaysian men would only learn how to tone down a few notches that wish list of their's, I think a lot of girls would drop "stress" as their middle names.
Too much to ask for majority of Malaysian men who look nowhere near like Josh Hartnett.(OK, he's my personal fav. I'm a bit biased) But hey!!! Your mirror broke aaah..? Sudah berapa lama tak tengok cermin laa deyy?
Gosh. Tolong lah.
1 comment:
isk siotlaa. kenape aku raser ko letak that title coz u saw my cellulite that day when u were helping me with my pareo. damn. terasa siottt....
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